Attending Live Events

Attending Live Events

Picture of Daven Michaels

Daven Michaels

New York Times Bestselling Author, 30-year business veteran, and Executive Chairman of CurrentC Group.

Are entrepreneurs who attend live events just seminar junkies? Are they wasting their time, or more importantly wasting their money?

Absolutely not! They’re on average, more successful than people who don’t. Why? Because they continue to learn, and in a world where things continue to change at a rapid pace, keeping up to speed is vital.

Live events are beneficial in many ways. Below is a list of just a few reasons you might want to consider attending as many as you can fit into your schedule this year.

Powerful Connections

When you attend a live event you connect with like minded people who are also success-oriented. They believe, as you do, in the value of learning. ” Knowledge is power “. Connecting with other knowledge-seekers will expand your circle of business associates. This not only benefits you personally and professionally, but also increases the probability of connecting with their associates—perhaps people you may never have met otherwise.  Any of these new connections could result in building JV relationships.


Live events often feature speakers who specialize in specific areas and in the course of their presentations teach some of what they know. This information is valuable as you explore the growth of your business. Some of the presenters you meet will promote programs, books, or their own valuable events. There is no limit to the value of education.

Meet Prospects

Although your primary goal should never be to attend a live event just for prospecting new clients, it will inevitability happen naturally as you come into contact with new people.  You’ll also meet service providers with whom you can create alliances. There are opportunities for cross referring among the other attendees and you’ll often meet people who either need what you have to offer or know others who do.

In today’s business world, nothing compares to meeting people in person, and nothing can compete with live events when it comes to face-to-face interaction.  When you’re attending events, you have something in common with other attendees. It’s not like meeting people at a trade show, where you’re trying to get noticed or sell your wares. Everyone’s there for the same reason: to learn and grow. By being on the same playing field at a live event, you’ll get to know people intimately and personally.

Beyond Business Live is becoming one of the most popular live events among cutting edge business people from all over the world. People literally fly in from everywhere, including countries abroad. What they come away with is more than they expected. Alliances are formed, needs are met and ideas buzz throughout the event like bees!

See you at the next Beyond Business Live!

Daven Michaels is a New York Times Best Selling Author and CEO of premiere global outsourcing company, 123Employee, The company employs hundreds of young bright individuals on three continents. His International event, Beyond Business Live! inspires entrepreneurs to meet challenges head-on in with revolutionary new theories and systems allowing them to design the business and personal lifestyles of their dreams.

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