Why The Philippines?

Why The Philippines?

Picture of Daven Michaels

Daven Michaels

New York Times Bestselling Author, 30-year business veteran, and Executive Chairman of CurrentC Group.

This is a question I am asked, sometimes, and it’s a fair question. Of all the developed countries in the world, what makes the Philippines so wonderful? Well, I’m here to tell you that there’s any number of reasons- very good reasons- that the Philippines are currently a superior country to set up a call center business. Probably one of the primary reasons is the ready availability of resources. All of the physical overhead needed is ready and available right there in the country, and the human resources are phenomenal. The country has an extremely high standard of education, and many of the workers that you’ll find staffing call centers hold college degrees. On top of it all, the labor in the Philippines is considerably cheaper than many other first world countries. It’s a very real situation where you pay less money for equally qualified, if not more highly qualified, workers. The cost of labor in the Philippines makes it possible to outsource labor to the Philippines, reserve the same quality of work, and at the same time save a business thousands- if not millions- of dollars. All of the freed time, money, and other resources can immediately be turned around and focused on your business, giving your business more fuel to burn as your business does whatever it is your business does best. Essentially, minimizing your costs in the call center area allows you to focus all of that energy into your business’s main objective.

There’s a reason that the call center business has exploded in the Philippines. As I’ve already mentioned, the quality of services in the Philippines is phenomenal, and the quality of services combined with the cost of labor is astoundingly cheap. That aside, it should be pointed out that the educated workers staffing the call centers are not a minority of the population. A huge number of Philippines citizens are of the caliber of those already staffing call centers. In short, there is no shortage of quality labor in the Philippines- there are over eight hundred call centers in the nation for a reason. On top of that, due to the Philippines being twelve hours or so ahead of the United States, it is entirely possible to have call support, email support, chat support, or several other functions necessary to your business available twenty four hours a day. In short, the quality of the work combined with availability is a perfect formula for customer satisfaction, customer loyalty, and improved profits.

Daven Michaels is an award-winning outsourcer and author of the book, ‘Outsource This!’ Daven has been honored more than any other individual or outsourcing organization. You can get more information on outsourcing by visitingwww.OutsourcingOutsourcing.Com.

5 thoughts on “Why The Philippines?”

  1. Why The Philippines?, because Philippines could now compete to any other country to set up a call center business, and also Filipino people are very hard working and they are dedicated to do there tasks…

  2. I agree with this post! I have my VA from 123Employee and I can really say that I am always satisfied with the work he gets done and I don’t have any questions when it comes to their loyalty. Great job Daven!!

  3. I agree!! Employees here in the Philippines are
    so hardworking and they make their employer satisfied with the work or task given to them. Like being a VA they do their task well so that the client will be satisfied and as a payback work for them.


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