5 Tips To Boost The Morale Of Your Employees During An Economic Crisis

5 Tips To Boost The Morale Of Your Employees During An Economic Crisis

Picture of Daven Michaels

Daven Michaels

New York Times Bestselling Author, 30-year business veteran, and Executive Chairman of CurrentC Group.

An economic crisis such as the one caused by the present pandemic has thrown many businesses off balance and the employees have been affected too. Even in the seemingly crisis-proof niches and industries, employees feel that their jobs are threatened because they do not know what would happen in the next moment. As an employer of outsourcing partners or full-time workers, you can find way to boost your workers’ morale.

Tip #1: Let Your Employees Know their Inputs Count

An employer’s attitude during these trying times can go a long way to foster confidence and courage in workers. So, instead of musing over the present state of the economy and its negative impact on the company, encourage the employees and let them know their inputs can make all the difference. This can spur them on to work harder, smarter and better.

Tip #2: Don’t Hide the True Situation from Your Employees

While you shouldn’t sound negative, you should let employees know how things are in the organization because they have the right to such information. A better way to present the situation is to let them know that by putting in their best, the company’s processes and procedures can be improved. Consequently, the bottom line will also improve.

Tip #3: Allow Employees to be Part of Goal Setting

Also, you can boost employees’ morale during crisis by letting them be part of goal setting. They should contribute their ideas and opinion on the specifics of their duties, including possible better ways to get their jobs done. This approach can be a tremendous morale booster for employees during a period of crisis.

Tip #4: Communicate Regularly and Effectively

Particularly for this pandemic period, you should stay in touch with your offshore outsourcing employees, or your in-house employees working remotely. While trying to find out how work is coming on and if there are challenges, an employer should also enquire after the welfare of employees and their family. Remind them to stay safe and be hopeful that this would pass. Of course, the employees would feel cared for and will be more willing to give their best inputs.

Tip #5: Give Room for Self Expression

Becoming emotional because of things bottled up inside can negatively impact an employee’s productivity. So, give room for employees to speak out regarding how they feel about the present work situation. They may even have ideas that can help improve their inputs, and ultimately improve the overall outcome.

Finally, if your budget can accommodate it, a little perk can go a long way to motivate your employees in times of crisis. The perk could come in form of occasional bonus to their present salary.

Daven Michaels is a New York Times Best Selling Author and CEO of premiere global outsourcing company, 123Employee. The company employs hundreds of young bright individuals on three continents. His International event, Beyond Marketing Live! Inspires entrepreneurs to build & grow their business with revolutionary new theories and systems allowing them to design the business and personal lifestyle of their dreams.

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