All You Need To Know About A Landing Page

All You Need To Know About A Landing Page

Picture of Daven Michaels

Daven Michaels

New York Times Bestselling Author, 30-year business veteran, and Executive Chairman of CurrentC Group.

According to a wide range of definitions, a landing page actually means exactly what it is literally called, “landing page”. It is a web page that catches the attention of readers and urges them to buy, subscribe, or sign up for an advertised product or service.

If a person is attracted by an advert on a web page or a link in an email, he or she ‘lands’ on a page that ‘calls to action’ by close clicking on the provided button.

Clear distinctions exist between landing pages and homepage or splash page. The difference is that landing pages are designed to make visitors take specific action towards achieving the purpose for which a landing page is created. It has elements placed to have viewers take action of clicking a button or even filling a provided form. The splash page differs from the landing page by being closely connected to the main website. In contrast, a landing page seems to be quite independent as it exists on its own.

The primary aim of designing a landing page is to drive conversions. It comes in an explicit and transparent form. Whatever is attached to the page, including what actions are to be taken, is quite clearly understood. Therefore by the time the page finishes loading, the visitor knows what action to take next.

The structures of a landing page

You will realize that what makes a successful landing page is the presence of unique elements. A reader is driven to take specific action by these elements. It is not necessary to make a landing page heavily worded. However, being simple and able to put across its message is the key.

The elements are as follows:


The first impression matters a lot. Your headline should be the type that instantly impresses your readers and keeps them scrolling down. This element is where your visitors get to see your Unique Selling Propositions (USP). Viewers find each USP to be very attractive in the form of either special discounts or added features. This is about what your visitors can not possibly get elsewhere.


Subheads play supplementary roles. Whatever that is missed in the headline is added in the subhead. Certainly, the subhead is where further persuasions are perpetuated.

Supporting copy

More details about your company and what it offers are showcased here. More urgency is built here. Readers are asked to ACT NOW or they would MISS the offer.


Use quality images to depict what you offer. Fewer images should be used.


Benefits are displayed with bullet lists that are easily looked at.


Readers tilt towards trusting you the more with the inclusion of trust-builders in your landing page. Sometimes, you may have to use the testimonials of your clients – depicting their satisfaction.

Lead capture

Lead capture is the grand finale of the purpose of the landing page.


Apart from getting help from an outsourcing company that can get you experts to design your landing page, you can learn from the information provided in this write-up.

Daven Michaels is a New York Times Best Selling Author and CEO of premiere global outsourcing company, 123Employee. The company employs hundreds of young bright individuals on three continents. His International event, Beyond Marketing Live! Inspires entrepreneurs to build & grow their business with revolutionary new theories and systems allowing them to design the business and personal lifestyle of their dreams

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