News: A Cue From The Technique Adopted By Dubai Businesses To Promote Employees’ Physical And Mental Health During The Crisis

News: A Cue From The Technique Adopted By Dubai Businesses To Promote Employees’ Physical And Mental Health During The Crisis

Picture of Daven Michaels

Daven Michaels

New York Times Bestselling Author, 30-year business veteran, and Executive Chairman of CurrentC Group.

Company leaders have always pointed to their teams as major role players behind their success. But, as businesses face hardship due to the impact of covid-19, they may become unsupportive to the physical and mental needs of their employees without meaning to. So, conscious effort should be channeled towards making both the physical and mental health of the people who make the company successful a priority.

According to a post on, the Head of HR of a notable global health insurance company in Dubai says, “our core mission of ensuring good health is first implemented on our own employees – those who are working to make sure we keep our promise to our clients and customers.

The company’s representative also pointed out that placing priority on the health and wellbeing of employees makes the culture and value of a company pivotal in time of crisis such as the present pandemic. The reporter also said that these measures to ensure the health of the company’s employees remained in place even when they resorted to remote working due to the pandemic.

The mental health of the workers in the company is also a priority. As a result, approaches such as regular and consistent communication were adopted and combined with engagement, transparency, empathy, as well as appreciation.

The health and wellness systems put in place for employees’ wellbeing during the pandemic include a regular clinical support system available every week and incorporates licensed healthcare providers from around the world, and well-being webinar that takes place every week and anchored by industry experts.

Also, the social wellbeing of the employees matters to the company, which is why the leaders launched an employee social site jam, so that employees can connect, share personal stories and anecdotes while working remotely. The entire experience is nothing but fun and a feeling of connectedness among the workers.

The programs on the social jam site are engaging, rewarding and rejuvenating. According to the reporter, participants get to learn a couple of words in another language, participate in yoga class and other fun activities virtually.

This report on providing support to employees during the pandemic as they work from home appears to be a trend in some other companies in Dubai. Indeed, it is a commendable and thoughtful step worth imitating by employers across the globe.

Daven Michaels is a New York Times Best Selling Author and CEO of premiere global outsourcing company, 123Employee. The company employs hundreds of young bright individuals on three continents. His International event, Beyond Marketing Live! Inspires entrepreneurs to build & grow their business with revolutionary new theories and systems allowing them to design the business and personal lifestyle of their dreams

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