The Unknown Secrets of Outsourcing Exposed!

The Unknown Secrets of Outsourcing Exposed!

Picture of Daven Michaels

Daven Michaels

New York Times Bestselling Author, 30-year business veteran, and Executive Chairman of CurrentC Group.

In the business world and the global market of today, outsourcing is the latest buzzword. To outsource to a professional is a good business sense and that is why most businesses, regardless of their size are now outsourcing. But should your own company outsource as well? Would outsourcing be of great benefit to your company?

Here are seven points in support of outsourcing and why your own business should outsource too.

1.Cost of Labor

Outsourcing saves more when it comes to the cost of labor. In advanced countries of the world, the cost of labor is always on the high side, which makes it costly for employees. However, when you outsource you can get similar work performed by equally experienced experts at a much-reduced cost.

2. Get Tax Breaks

Your business can obtain tax breaks through outsourcing since the Federal Law stipulates that companies can reschedule payment of tax on the profits earned in an offshore destination for an imprecise period.

Therefore, outsourcing may be the right choice for you, if your business wants to make use of resources for major business tasks, cut back on cost, and increase productivity.

3. Access to Specialized Skills

In the Philippines, companies outsource in order to augment or make up for the shortage of skilled workers. With outsourcing, you will gain access to a huge volume and pool of skilled workers at a reduced cost.

4. Round-the-Clock Services

You can offer your esteem clients 24/7 services without inconveniencing or stressing your current workers with outsourcing as your choice. Your outsourcing vendor will always be on the ground to give support, even if your in-house staff goes on holidays or vacations or holidays.

5. Increased and Rapid Business Development

If all you want is growing your business, change how it operates, and takes it to a greater height, then outsourcing is a great way to go. You will be independent and free to pay attention to the most essential aspects of your business, immediately you outsource a few non-core activities to a skilled outsourcing vendor.

6. Fast Turnaround Time

The time difference between countries has really helped more than a few companies reduce their turnaround time by 50 percent. Your company can also reduce the time to market or promote new products with outsourcing. By so doing, you can profitably outsmart and beat your business competitors who never outsource.

7. Move Up to a Greater Height on the Value-Added Chain

As a matter of fact, you will have the freedom of building up your business and move to the next level on the value-added chain, when you outsource to a specialized outsourcing partner.

Outsourcing is a must if you want your company to survive in the competitive business world of today. It comes with many benefits than downsides as you can see above. Outsource today and take your company to the greater height it deserves!

Daven Michaels is a New York Times Best Selling Author and CEO of premiere global outsourcing company, 123Employee. The company employs hundreds of young bright individuals on three continents. His International event, Beyond Marketing Live! inspires entrepreneurs to build & grow their business with revolutionary new theories and systems allowing them to design the business and personal lifestyle of their dreams.

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