3 Notable facts about slowing down to achieving more

3 Notable facts about slowing down to achieving more

Picture of Daven Michaels

Daven Michaels

New York Times Bestselling Author, 30-year business veteran, and Executive Chairman of CurrentC Group.

Nowadays, people are so engaged with checking their e-mails to ensure that there is nothing that waiting to be attended to at the end of the day. America has a high percentage of people checking on their smartphones in every twelve minutes. Studies have indicated that a company that slows down their employees on frequents checking of the smartphones free them up to do more tasks.

Here are some of the following facts that support this line of thought.

1. Constant checks on communication gadgets and apps are quite expensive

According to a recent survey of an independent researcher, virtually every communication compliant worker loses about 30%of his working hours daily, just to check emails and instant messages. It has been observed by the same researcher that not less than 75% of the day is being affected by messages.

Going by the statistics above the multiplication of time lost across the entire workforce of an organization reveals a great danger.

More worrisome is the fact that these workers have a high expectation of getting responses to messages they sent in a matter of sixty minutes. These have resulted in having less than 10 percent of workers being in control of their day.

2. Being pro-active to responses can pose a threat to productivity

Addiction to inboxes greatly reduces the worker’s ability to carry out official tasks per day. The reason for this assertion is due to the discovery that stipulates it take close to 24 minutes for one to regain his lost concentration.

Workers who are distracted by the influx of correspondence try very hard at covering their lost time with sometimes less in less with the expected quality of work. Frequent disruptions at work will leave one little time for doing a task where an 8-hour workload is subjected to be done in a pretty smaller time will amount to encountering more stress and greater frustrations.

One potential solution for slowing down your staff to achieving more is to make asynchronous communication a way of life in your organization. This is a viable method of organizing your workers and saving working hours for them.

3. Effecting good teamwork consumes time

Many renowned industrialists have continuously called for a full comeback to asynchronous communication for years. They argued that when this is done, it would promote higher productivity from the hands of employees. According to them, some meaningful tasks require uninterrupted attention from the workers.


Managers and leaders of industries need to buckle up to their responsibility of sanitizing their workforce. The employees should free more time for utilization if higher productivity is to be enhanced.

Daven Michaels is a New York Times Best Selling Author and CEO of premiere global outsourcing company, 123Employee. The company employs hundreds of young bright individuals on three continents. His International event, Beyond Marketing Live! Inspires entrepreneurs to build & grow their business with revolutionary new theories and systems allowing them to design the business and personal lifestyle of their dreams

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