6 Steps To Creating An eBook From Scratch

6 Steps To Creating An eBook From Scratch

Picture of Daven Michaels

Daven Michaels

New York Times Bestselling Author, 30-year business veteran, and Executive Chairman of CurrentC Group.

E-publication has virtually altered the reading trends of people. Technology and digitalization have popularized the use of tablets, phones, computers, and e-book readers.

Virtually, there is a greater preference for eBooks than to printed books. People now want to access knowledge as quickly as possible as they are on the go or at their convenience.

Fortunately, eBooks have covered almost all facets of interest. This has put its relevance on a high scale. Many proficient experts can be reached today through outsourcing companies. These skilled experts do render eBook conversion services at a very considerable cost.

Apart from the acquisition of knowledge, eBooks can be used in embarking on successful marketing programs. Over the years, a lot of lead generation has been realized. On the same strength, it has become a good means of content marketing.

One can create a good eBook through some of these key steps:

Choosing the right topic that appeals to the audience

Every eye turns to catchy captions. Your choice of topic should follow soothe. When the right title is picked, it attracts the focus of the audience.

The public is always interested in what is trending and that is what can generate leads. It is so important to gather accurate and useful information concerning interesting topics, which adds substance to your content. Good topics have a way of triggering off a conversation and eventually lead to achieving marketing objectives.

Have a clear idea about each chapter:

A well-planned eBook has a captivating that keeps the reader glued to the book until the end. It is called ‘the hook’. The hook keeps the reader thrilled from the beginning of the book to finish.

Determine the content for each chapter:

For the eBook to be considered very good it has to be:

  • Written in short sentences
  • Stuffed with valuable data
  • Written with a hook
  • Shortened paragraphs

Use the best colour combination:

Colour has a way of appealing to the readers. If it is properly chosen and blended, it distinguishes your eBook.

Include valuable and informative stats and quotes:

Readers love it when they come across an interesting eBook that has informative statistics and quotes. You have to put these two things to add value to your eBook.

Add captivating visuals:

Images and graphics add captivating visuals to your work. There would be little or no problems at all in placing your images if you have your eBook properly planned.


When you have completed your eBook, the next thing to do is to have it converted to a readable format. Converting it to PDF format is the best.

Ensure that your eBook is wells researched before embarking on the writing of it. Some companies provide PDF conversion services. When you are ready, it would be wise to contact one of these companies.

Daven Michaels is a New York Times Best Selling Author and CEO of premiere global outsourcing company, 123Employee. The company employs hundreds of young bright individuals on three continents. His International event, Beyond Marketing Live! Inspires entrepreneurs to build & grow their business with revolutionary new theories and systems allowing them to design the business and personal lifestyle of their dreams

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