Outsourcing: Be Specific

Outsourcing: Be Specific

Picture of Daven Michaels

Daven Michaels

New York Times Bestselling Author, 30-year business veteran, and Executive Chairman of CurrentC Group.

Clarity is the foundation of success. You must know what you want before you can ask for it or achieve it yourself. This applies to successful outsourcing as well.

Before you hire outsourced help, get really clear about what you want from the outsourcing company and the employees they will supply you with. What specific qualities are you looking for in your workers?

This might be a bit uncomfortable at first. As Americans we’ve been culturally programmed that it’s not appropriate, or even legal in some cases, to devise a very restricted set of criteria for your employees.

I’m not advising you to be unethical in your exercise of discrimination. Rather, I’m suggesting that you consider business-needs-based reasons why you might need outsourced employees of a certain age or gender. These are legitimately acceptable considerations overseas, so take advantage of the fact.

Remember, you are in charge. These people will be your workforce, and you can ask the outsourcing company for whatever kind of employees you want. If you need a phone bank of all females, not a problem. If you need the energized attitude of an all-under-25 workforce, you can have it.

Also consider the following criteria. What time do you need your outsourced employees to be available for work? What specific kinds of experience and skills do you need your employees to have? What level of English speaking, comprehension, and reading ability do you need your employees to have? Do you need workers with proficiency in Microsoft Word and Excel? Are you looking for payroll and accounting experts? Get very clear about what qualities will bring you the biggest success for your particular business.

You are in control. You decide exactly what type of outsourced employees you want. As a fellow American businessman myself, I understand that you may have grown accustomed to accepting what’s available in the stateside workforce, or that you may fear the legal implications of asking for what you want. But have no fear. With an overseas outsourcer, you can confidently ask for and get precisely the kind of worker your business really needs.

So, when you are considering prospective outsourcing companies, make sure you are very clear about what you want. What you ask for is what you get! That’s the kind of reliable and reasonably priced service we provide at 123Employee. Take advantage of us as your preferred outsourcing supplier. We’re here ready to help!

You can find more of these tips in “Outsource This!” To get your copy, click here.

Daven Michaels is an award-winning outsourcer and author of the book, ‘Outsource This!’ Daven has been honored more than any other individual or outsourcing organization. You can get more information on outsourcing by visiting www.OutsourcingOutsourcing.Com.

15 thoughts on “Outsourcing: Be Specific”

  1. Communication is the key!
    I have been outsourcing for quite a while now and will definitely be in need of more outsourced employees so I’ll go ahead and check out your company.
    Thanks for the great info!

  2. Great information. I am looking at outsourcing my home business and see if it works. Thanks for the information Daven. I am looking forward to working with an effective virtual assistant.

  3. It’s always easy to have everything planned. Daven is right, you should at first take note of those things that you wanted because if you would do it on the spot there might be a big chance of miscommunication which could lead to a big mess. And if you have all set to go then outsource with 123Employee, cause they are, after all, one Big key to your success.

  4. This is very true, this must be the first thing in mind before giving a task to your outsourcing agent, be specific to your agent and give them the right info of your business and the right info of what your business needs before doing an outsourcing. Daven did a great article again.


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